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Trucs et astuces sur le Rehaussement de Cils

Tips and Tricks for Lash Lift

1 Innovation Award 🏆 millions of treatments 👀 35 countries 🌍 ...
Here are some tips and tricks to further improve your results!


  • Rinse the cleansing foam thoroughly, then dry carefully, preferably with a fan.

  • The Balance 7 step is mandatory as it balances the pH of the lash, allowing you to work on a perfect surface. It should not be rinsed off but dried carefully, preferably with a fan.

  • Do not apply too much adhesive when preparing the natural lashes on the pad; work in half-centimeter increments. Use a clean, fiber-free applicator to help secure the lashes and smooth the adhesive.

  • Make sure to pull the lashes toward you until you see the slightly lifted mucous membrane.


  • Check the expiration dates on each of your lotions.

  • Each lotion can be applied generously to the lashes, without touching the mucous membrane.

  • Start your timer once you have finished applying the lotion to the first eye.

  • Apply Lotion 1 to ¾ of the lashes, ensuring the product reaches the root, and in the last minute, extend the product to the tips.

  • Check your results after Lotion 1 and after tinting by lifting a lash from its row using tweezers, for example.

  • Add 1 to 2 minutes more to the processing time for Lotion 1 if you want a more intense result.

  • For Lotion 3 and Botulash, apply the product from the root to the tips, taking care not to let the product drip into the eye.

  • If there is excess product on the mucous membrane, use a clean, fiber-free applicator to gently remove the product.

  • At the end of the treatment, if you brush the lashes to separate them, always brush in the direction of the lift—toward you—to avoid ruining the result (from the mucous membrane side toward the eyebrow).

  • Our lash lift protocol must never be used with plastic film.


  • Let the lashes extend beyond the pads if they are longer.

  • On wrinkled eyelids, use the silicone tape with 2 strips to gently pull the eyelids upward in a cross shape.

  • Size M is the universal size for both Nuage and Prononcé lifting pads.

  • Never choose size S for straight lashes or size L for curved lashes, as the result will not be noticeable enough.

  • Position the pad at the base of the lashes so that no skin is visible between the pad and the lash line.

  • For droopy or wrinkled eyelids, you can stretch the eyelid with our silicone tape. Position it before applying the lifting pad.

  • If the lashes extend beyond the lifting pad, you can place a patch to ensure proper product application.

Here is the complete table to help you select the right lifting pad based on the desired effect and your client's lash type:

Lash Type Desired Effect Recommended Pad
Straight Lashes Natural Lift Size M (Nuage)
Curved Lashes Pronounced Lift Size M (Prononcé)
Short Lashes Subtle Lift Size S
Long Lashes Dramatic Lift Size L
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